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SB 10.11.38

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


avidūre vraja-bhuvaḥ
saha gopāla-dārakaiḥ
cārayām āsatur vatsān


avidūre—not very far from the residential quarters of the Vrajavāsīs; vraja-bhuvaḥ—from the land known as Vraja; saha gopāla-dārakaiḥ—with other boys of the same profession (cowherd boys); cārayām āsatuḥ—tended; vatsān—the small calves; nānā—various; krīḍā—sporting; paricchadau—dressed very nicely in different ways and equipped with implements.


Not far away from Their residential quarters, both Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, equipped with all kinds of playthings, played with other cowherd boys and began to tend the small calves.

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