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SB 8.10.40

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


kabandhās tatra cotpetuḥ
ādhāvanto bhaṭān mṛdhe


kabandhāḥ—trunks (bodies without heads); tatra—there (on the battlefield); ca—also; utpetuḥ—generated; patita—fallen; sva-śiraḥ-akṣibhiḥ—by the eyes in one's head; udyata—raised; āyudha—equipped with weapons; dordaṇḍaiḥ—the arms of whom; ādhāvantaḥ—rushing toward; bhaṭān—the soldiers; mṛdhe—on the battlefield.


Many headless trunks were generated on that battlefield. With weapons in their arms, those ghostly trunks, which could see with the eyes in the fallen heads, attacked the enemy soldiers.


It appears that the heroes who died on the battlefield immediately became ghosts, and although their heads had been severed from their bodies, new trunks were generated, and these new trunks, seeing with the eyes in the severed heads, began to attack the enemy. In other words, many ghosts were generated to join the fight, and thus new trunks appeared on the battlefield.

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