SB 7.6.15
vitteṣu nityābhiniviṣṭa-cetā
vidvāṁś ca doṣaṁ para-vitta-hartuḥ
pretyeha vāthāpy ajitendriyas tad
aśānta-kāmo harate kuṭumbī
vitteṣu—in material wealth; nitya-abhiniviṣṭa-cetāḥ—whose mind is always absorbed; vidvān—having learned; ca—also; doṣam—the fault; para-vitta-hartuḥ—of one who steals the money of others by cheating or by transactions on the black market; pretya—after dying; iha—in this material world; vā—or; athāpi—still; ajita-indriyaḥ—because of being unable to control the senses; tat—that; aśānta-kāmaḥ—whose desires are unsatiated; harate—steals; kuṭumbī—too fond of his family.
If a person too attached to the duties of family maintenance is unable to control his senses, the core of his heart is immersed in how to accumulate money. Although he knows that one who takes the wealth of others will be punished by the law of the government, and by the laws of Yamarāja after death, he continues cheating others to acquire money.
Especially in these days, people do not believe in a next life or in the court of Yamarāja and the various punishments of the sinful. But at least one should know that one who cheats others to acquire money will be punished by the laws of the government. Nonetheless, people do not care about the laws of this life or those governing the next. Despite whatever knowledge one has, one cannot stop his sinful activities if he is unable to control his senses.