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SB 4.5.9

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


prasūti-miśrāḥ striya udvigna-cittā
ūcur vipāko vṛjinasyaiva tasya
yat paśyantīnāṁ duhitṟṇāṁ prajeśaḥ
sutāṁ satīm avadadhyāv anāgām


prasūti-miśrāḥ—headed by Prasūti; striyaḥ—the women; udvigna-cittāḥ—being very anxious; ūcuḥ—said; vipākaḥ—the resultant danger; vṛjinasya—of the sinful activity; eva—indeed; tasya—his (Dakṣa's); yat—because; paśyantīnām—who were looking on; duhitṟṇām—of her sisters; prajeśaḥ—the lord of the created beings (Dakṣa); sutām—his daughter; satīm—Satī; avadadhyau—insulted; anāgām—completely innocent.


Prasūti, the wife of Dakṣa, along with the other women assembled, became very anxious and said: This danger has been created by Dakṣa because of the death of Satī, who, even though completely innocent, quit her body as her sisters looked on.


Prasūti, being a softhearted woman, could immediately understand that the imminent danger approaching was due to the impious activity of hardhearted Prajāpati Dakṣa. He was so cruel that he would not save her youngest daughter, Satī, from the act of committing suicide in the presence of her sisters. Satī's mother could understand how much Satī had been pained by the insult of her father. Satī had been present along with the other daughters, and Dakṣa had purposely received all of them but her because she happened to be the wife of Lord Śiva. This consideration convinced the wife of Dakṣa of the danger which was now ahead, and thus she knew that Dakṣa must be prepared to die for his heinous act.

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