SB 1.19.12 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 12
Sukha upavistesu atha tesu bhuyah Kritapranamah swa chikirsitam yat. Vijnapayamasa viviktacheta Upasthito agre abhigrihita panih.
Sukha—happily, Upavistesu—all sitting down, Atha—thereupon, Tesu—unto them (the visitors), Bhuyah—again, Kritapranamah—having offered obeisances, Swa—his won, Chikirsitam—decision of fasting, Vijnapayamasa—submitted, Viviktacheta—one whose mind is detached from worldly affairs, Upasthito—being present, Agre-in front of them, Abhigrihita panih—humbly with folded hands.
Thereafter all the Rishis and others having taken their seats comfortably the king expressed himself about his decision to fast until death standing before them humbly with folded hands.
Although the king had already decided to fast until death on the bank of the Ganges still he humbly expressed his decision to elicit opinions of the great authorities present there. Any decision however important and fixed up may be confirmed by some authority and that makes the thing very perfect. This means the monarchs who ruled over the earth in those days were not irresponsible dictators but they scrupulously followed the authoritative decisions of the saints and sages in terms of Vedic injunction. Maharaj Parikshit as a perfect king and he followed the principles of consulting the authority even up to the last days of his life.