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[[Category:1976 - Conversations]]
<div class="code">761207rc.hyd</div>
[[Category:1976 - Lectures and Conversations]]
[[Category:1976 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters]]
[[Category:1976-12 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters]]
[[Category:Conversations - India]]
[[Category:Conversations - India, Hyderabad]]
[[Category:Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India]]
[[Category:Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Hyderabad]]
[[Category:1976 - New Audio - Released in November 2013]]
[[Category:Audio Files 20.01 to 30.00 Minutes]]
<div style="float:left">[[File:Go-previous.png|link=Category:Conversations - by Date]]'''[[:Category:Conversations - by Date|Conversations by Date]], [[:Category:1976 - Conversations|1976]]'''</div>

Prabhupāda: There is no arrangement for producing vegetable?

Mahāṁśa: We just finished one harvest, Prabhupāda, and now the second harvest is already in the ground.
<div class="code">761207R1-HYDERABAD - December 07, 1976 - 29.05 Minutes</div>

Prabhupāda: So what kind of harvest? You finish and then you have to wait six months for the second.

Mahāṁśa: Now we are designing one plot for continuous...

Prabhupāda: Hm, so this... Where is Tejas Mahārāja? So you immediately arrange for producing vegetables.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.
'''Prabhupāda:''' There is no arrangement for producing vegetable?

Prabhupāda: No, I'm asking Tejas.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' We just finished one harvest, Prabhupāda, and now the second harvest is already in the ground.

Haṁsadūta: Here is Tejas, here.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So what kind of harvest? You finish and then you have to wait for six months for the second one.

Prabhupāda: Oh, here he is. So, why don't you do that?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Now we are designing one plot for continuous . . .

Tejas: Yes. I'll make up the scheme today. It should be that you have continuous crop. You plant seeds one week... But again they have made the same mistake with these cauliflower and cabbage.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Hmm, so this . . . where is Tejiyas Mahārāja? So you immediately arrange for producing vegetables.

Prabhupāda: Well, they mistake... You say, "They mistake." Who are "they"? You say you do mistake. Don't say, "they." This is bureaucracy, "they." You are all "they." Anyway, whatever is done, immediately make arrangement. And this is one thing. And the other thing, I came here that there will be festival and prasādam distribution. Why this is not begun?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes.

Mahāṁśa: Till yesterday there was being marriages in the city. Now, from today, the pandals are free.
'''Prabhupāda:''' No, I'm asking Tejiyas.

Prabhupāda: Because there are marriages our program will be cancelled?
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Here is Tejiyas, here.

Mahāṁśa: No, but the person who gives us the pandal... It's supposed to start today, Prabhupāda, their program. They have been advertising in the villages about the prasādam distribution this evening, so the stage and the śāmiyānā will be coming today and the pots are coming today. So we have all the grains and everything. We can start the prasādam distribution this evening.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Oh, here he is. So, why don't you do that?

Prabhupāda: So you'll keep, come in charge. So do this also immediately. And the next is that Bhogilal wants to come here. So bring him immediately. What is the difficulty of that house?
'''Tejiyas:''' Yes. I'll make up the scheme today. It should be that you have continuous crop. You plant seeds one week . . . but again they have made the same mistake with these cauliflower and cabbage.

Mahāṁśa: All the plastering inside is finished now.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Well, they mistake . . . you say, "They mistake." Who are "they"? You say you do mistake. Don't say "they." This is bureaucracy, "they." You are all "they." Anyway, whatever is done, immediately make arrangement. And this is one thing. And the other thing: I came here that there will be festival and prasādam distribution. Why this is not begun?

Prabhupāda: Everything, whatever is finished...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Till yesterday there was being marriages in the city. Now, from today, the ''paṇḍāls'' are free.

Mahāṁśa: Painting has to be done.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Because there are marriages our program will be cancelled?

Prabhupāda: Eh?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No, but the person who gives us the ''paṇḍāl'' . . . it's supposed to start today, Prabhupāda, their program. They have been advertising in the villages about the prasādam distribution this evening, so the stage and the ''śāmiyānā'' will be coming today and the pots are coming today. So we have all the grains and everything. We can start the prasādam distribution this evening.

Mahāṁśa: The toilets are working, all the connections are finished, and only thing is the painting has to be done today.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So you'll keep . . . come in charge. So do this also immediately. And the next is that Bhogilal wants to come here. So bring him immediately. What is the difficulty of that house?

Prabhupāda: So painting also can be... Without painting, we can go there. What is the wrong problem?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' All the plastering inside is finished now.

Mahāṁśa: It looks a little shabby. If we wait for one more day it will look much better.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Everything, whatever is finished . . .

Prabhupāda: So one more day we shall wait, but tomorrow we must go there.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Painting has to be done.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, tomorrow we can go there.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Eh?

Prabhupāda: So arrange for bringing Bhogilal tomorrow.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' The toilets are working, all the connections are finished, and only thing is the painting has to be done today.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, tomorrow afternoon or evening we can arrange.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So painting also can be . . . without painting, we can go there. What is the wrong problem?

Prabhupāda: No. Yes, so immediately arrange for that. He is very important man. If he comes you can all mature consultation about this female, about managing. He is practically doing. He has one thousand acres of land.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' It looks a little shabby. If we wait for one more day it will look much better.

Mahāṁśa: Oh, yes, it's not a joke.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So one more day we shall wait, but tomorrow we must go there.

Prabhupāda: And he is practical business man. So immediately... And besides that, he is already sympathetic. He is becoming interested more. So he can do so many things for us. He is a very nice man. So he volunteered to come here. So bring him immediately. So arrange. From tomorrow we go there. If it is not finished, then he may be given that place. I am at here. I shall stay. Or he can be given this room; I can go there. In this way... Because the doors are not yet fitted.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes, tomorrow we can go there.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, that's the main problem.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So arrange for bringing Bhogilal tomorrow.

Prabhupāda: But there are so many main problems. So at least in my side the doors are fitted. So I can go there, and he can stay here. Anyway, either there or here, arrange to bring him immediately. He will go away by the twelfth. So he may stay here at least for one week.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes, tomorrow afternoon or evening we can arrange.

Mahāṁśa: One week.
'''Prabhupāda:''' No. Yes, so immediately arrange for that. He is very important man. If he comes, you can all mature consultation about this . . . (indistinct) . . . about managing. He is practically doing. He has one thousand acres of land.

Prabhupāda: Tell him like that.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Oh, yes, it's not a joke.

Mahāṁśa: Yes. And the cooking will be done by his men.
'''Prabhupāda:''' And he is practical businessman. So immediately . . . and besides that, he is already sympathetic. He is becoming interested more. So he can do so many things for us. He is a very nice man. So he volunteered to come here. So bring him immediately. So arrange. From tomorrow we go there. If it is not finished, then he may be given that place. I am at here. I shall stay. Or he can be given this room, I can go there. In this way . . . because the doors are not yet fitted.

Prabhupāda: Yes.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes, that's the main problem.

Mahāṁśa: Because if he comes his cook will also come.
'''Prabhupāda:''' But there are so many main problems. So at least in my side the doors are fitted. So I can go there, and he can stay here. Anyway, either there or here, arrange to bring him immediately. He will go away by the twelfth. So he may stay here at least for one week.

Prabhupāda: Oh, yes. His cook and servant, yes. So make this arrangement so that everything should be inaugurated tomorrow, not more than that. So You have to purchase vegetable and then make a big, big scheme. Bambharambhe(?) laghu-kriyā. Ārambha, very big, and action, very little. And ask some of our devotees to collect all the gobars and bring here. I want gobar. There so much gobars scattered here and there. Take one basket and two men may go and collect all of them, put it in the sunshine. So nowadays sunshine is so bright. You can have so many things exposed to sunshine. All vitamins. So you immediately make program for vegetable, fruits, flower, surrounding this, immediately. So how Bhogilal will be brought here?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' One week.

Mahāṁśa: In his car.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Tell him like that.

Prabhupāda: In his car. So make arrangement. Either we both of us, we may stay there or one here, one there.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes. And the cooking will be done by his men.

Mahāṁśa: And the secretaries can stay here.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Yes.

Prabhupāda: Secretaries, as they are staying. I think one can manage that. There is no difficulty. [break] So all the devotees here, they are all required there?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Because if he comes, his cook will also come.

Mahāṁśa: No.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Oh, yes. His cook and servant, yes. So make this arrangement so that everything should be inaugurated tomorrow, not more than that. So you have to purchase vegetable and then make it big, big scheme. (chuckles) ''Bambharambhe laghu-kriyā''. ''Ārambha'', very big, and action, very little. And ask some of our devotees to collect all the gobars and bring here. I want gobar. There is so much gobars scattered here and there. Take one basket and two men may go and collect all of them, put it in the sunshine. So nowadays sunshine is so bright. You can have so many things exposed to sunshine. All vitamins. So you immediately make program for vegetable, fruits, flower, surrounding this, immediately. So how Bhogilal will be brought here?

Prabhupāda: Then why... So the temple work is not suffering?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' In his car.

Mahāṁśa: It is.
'''Prabhupāda:''' In his car. So make arrangement. Either we both of us, we may stay there, or one here, one there.

Prabhupāda: Then why you are keeping so many devotees here?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' And the secretaries can stay here.

Mahāṁśa: The main problem now is there were three pūjārīs, and one of them is here, and he doesn't want to go back to pūjārī work, so we have to find...
'''Prabhupāda:''' Secretaries, as they are staying. I think one can manage that. There is no difficulty. (break) So all the devotees here, they are all required there?

Prabhupāda: Eh?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No.

Mahāṁśa: He doesn't want to go back to do pūjārī work, so there's only two pūjārīs and they were just complaining yesterday that it's very difficult to do so much Deity worship.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Then why . . . so the temple work is not suffering?

Prabhupāda: So why? Why he does not want to go?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' It is.

Mahāṁśa: He wants to go traveling for a while.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Then why you are keeping so many devotees here?

Prabhupāda: So that cannot be. So traveling means you have asked him to...?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' The main problem now is that there were three ''pūjārīs'', and one of them is here, and he doesn't want to go back to ''pūjārī'' work, so we have to find . . .

Haṁsadūta: No, I haven't asked him any... It's the same problem. Whenever I go somewhere there are always certain men; they want to go.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Eh?

Prabhupāda: No. Nobody can go without sanction. This is sense gratification, "I want to." This is not good.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He doesn't want to go back to do pūjārī work, so there's only two ''pūjārīs'', and they were just complaining yesterday that it's very difficult to do so much Deity worship.

Jagadīśa: The temple right now is in lack of a full time manager. Mahāṁśa Mahārāja spends most of his time here, and I can see that the temple management is not going right.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So why? Why he does not want to go?

Prabhupāda: Yes. Not very nice. So do you require...? But you also do not remain here.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He wants to go traveling for a while.

Mahāṁśa: No.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So that cannot be. So traveling means you have asked him to . . .?

Prabhupāda: Then you are not there; you are not here. Then where you are?
'''Haṁsadūta:''' No, I haven't asked him any . . . it's the same problem. Whenever I go somewhere there are always certain men, they want to go.

Mahāṁśa: No, all these last, last two weeks I've been working on this house and if I'm not here then... Like yesterday I was not here, and the workers didn't work properly. Then I made them work in the night. When I came back, I saw that they have not...
'''Prabhupāda:''' No. Nobody can go without sanction. This is sense gratification, "I want to." This is not good.

Prabhupāda: So that means everywhere, if you are not there, then everything is gone to hell. Then what is this management? You cannot be everywhere. That is not... You are not Kṛṣṇa. Īśvaraḥ sarva-bhūtānām [[BG 18.61]] .  
'''Jagadīśa:''' Actually, the temple right now is in lack of a full time manager. Mahāṁśa Mahārāja spends most of his time here, and I can see that the temple management is not going right.

Mahāṁśa: I mean, the problem that came up in the temple, it was going on okay before, but then there was suddenly so many more devotees that came. Half of them were here, half of them were there, and they were moving around every day. So the temple managers were confused. They didn't know how much, how many devotees...
'''Prabhupāda:''' Yes. Not very nice. So do you require . . .? But you also do not remain here.

Prabhupāda: No, temple... Who is temple manager?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No.

Mahāṁśa: Ānandamaya is managing now. He's very good. He can do it nicely but he was confused because there were devotees...
'''Prabhupāda:''' Then you are not there; you are not here. Then where you are?

Prabhupāda: Now there is no confusion. Immediately they can go, all the devotees. They are not required. What is the use?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No, all these last, last two weeks I've been working on this house, and if I'm not here then . . . like yesterday I was not here, and the workers didn't work properly. Then I made them work in the night. When I came back, I saw that they have not . . .

Jagadīśa: That temple is a big, big project. Ānandamaya is not competent to handle the whole thing. He doesn't have the respect of the other members, enough. And I don't see him taking charge anymore. If you ask him to get something done he says, "Well..." He always makes some excuse. This was my experience while we were there.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So that means everywhere, if you are not there, then everything is gone to hell. Then what is this management? You cannot be everywhere. That is not . . . you are not Kṛṣṇa. ''Īśvaraḥ sarva-bhūtānām'' ([[BG 18.61 (1972)|BG 18.61]]).

Prabhupāda: Who is that man?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' I mean, the problem that came up in the temple, it was going on okay before, but then there was suddenly so many more devotees that came. Half of them were here, half of them were there, and they were moving around every day. So the temple managers were confused. They didn't know how much . . . how many devotees . . .

Mahāṁśa: Ānandamaya. He has been here since four years, and he knows practically everybody in Hyderabad. He was working with me all the time.
'''Prabhupāda:''' No, temple . . . who is temple manager?

Prabhupāda: So then why does he not go there? Why he's here?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Ānandamaya is managing now. He's very good. He can do it nicely, but he was confused because there were devotees . . .

Mahāṁśa: He's not here; he's there.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Now there is no confusion. Immediately they can go, all the devotees. They are not required. What is the use?

Prabhupāda: Oh. So the devotees may go there. They have no business here to stay, so many. Why? They can return back.
'''Jagadīśa:''' That temple is a big, big project. Ānandamaya is not competent to handle the whole thing. He doesn't have the respect of the other members, enough. And plus I don't see him taking charge anymore. If you ask him to get something done he says, "Well . . ." He always makes some excuse. This was my experience while we were there.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Who is that man?

Prabhupāda: Yes. Immediately.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Ānandamaya. He has been here since four years, and he knows practically everybody in Hyderabad. He was working with me all the time.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So then why does he not go there? Why he's here?

Jagadīśa: They need a head, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He's not here; he's there.

Prabhupāda: Hm?
'''Prabhupāda:''' Oh. So the devotees may go there. They have no business here to stay, so many. Why? They can return back.

Jagadīśa: They need a head.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes.

Prabhupāda: A head means you have to train head. If you cut head, then how there will be head? Neither tail, neither head. Head means you have to train them, head. There is no need of so many men here. Why?
'''Prabhupāda:''' Yes. Immediately.

Jagadīśa: Many of the men who are here are on Haṁsadūta's party.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes.

Prabhupāda: So do they require here?
'''Jagadīśa:''' They need a head, Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Haṁsadūta: I sent all the men here because Mahāṁśa promised that there would be a program lined up but there is no program. That's why they're just... Now they all want to go, and if they can go I can send them. They are ready to go. They don't want to stay.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Hmm?

Prabhupāda: So?
'''Jagadīśa:''' They need a head.

Mahāṁśa: The problem is that the programs I didn't arrange because the devotees were not regular in coming. I didn't know when they were all coming. So if I arrange a program that means my men...
'''Prabhupāda:''' A head means you have to train head. If you cut head, then how there will be head? Neither tail, neither head. Head means you have to train them, head. There is no need of so many men here. Why?

Prabhupāda: But therefore the meeting is here. Do here now.
'''Jagadīśa:''' Many of the men who are here are on Haṁsadūta's party.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, now it can be done. But I couldn't do...
'''Prabhupāda:''' So, do they require here?

Prabhupāda: So it can be done. Why can you...? What? When it will be done, do then.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' I sent all the men here because Mahāṁśa promised that there would be a program lined up, but there is no program. That's why they're just . . . now they all want to go, and if they can go I can send them. They are ready to go. They don't want to stay.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So?

Prabhupāda: Don't make future promise. You do it immediately. Make program. But settle up when it will begin, when it is right. Here work is going on. That Mṛtyu, he cannot... No? Mūrti. So he cannot manage without him?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' The problem is that the programs I didn't arrange, because the devotees were not regular in coming. I didn't know when they were all coming. So if I arrange a program, that means my men . . .

Mahāṁśa: He can. He has to be a little more acquainted with the people. He has to...
'''Prabhupāda:''' But therefore the meeting is here. Do here now.

Prabhupāda: He is here from the last June. He is not acquainted?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes, now it can be done. But I couldn't do . . .

Mahāṁśa: He's only here since about ten days. He's not here for a long time and he's not very forceful in making them do the work.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So it can be done. Why can you . . .? What? When it will be done, do that.

Prabhupāda: So who will be forceful?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes.

Mahāṁśa: He can be trained. I'm training him.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Don't make future promise. You do it immediately. Make program. But settle up when it will begin, when it is right. Here work is going on. That Mṛtyu, he cannot . . . no?

Prabhupāda: So that training... Everyone is under training; then who will be head? If in old age you have to be trained up, then when they will be trained up? So what is the..., to sit down silently? That's all?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Mūrti dāsa.  

Mahāṁśa: We'll send the parties out...
'''Prabhupāda:''' Mūrti. So he cannot manage without him?

Prabhupāda: Make. Make immediately program, where to go. So why you are not making?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He can. He has to be a little more acquainted with the people. He has to . . .

Mahāṁśa: Now? Here?
'''Prabhupāda:''' He is here from the last June. He is not acquainted?

Prabhupāda: Yes, make program immediately. Write what to do.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He's only here since about ten days. He's not here for a long time, and he's not very forceful in making them do the work.

Mahāṁśa: I was thinking one bus should go immediately to Kathinagar because they want to have program there and they are ready to arrange it and we can collect some money immediately for the expenses which are going on now.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So who will be forceful?

Prabhupāda: So go. Go.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He can be trained. I'm training him.

Mahāṁśa: So if you want, we could get one bus and few devotees can go on that.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So that training . . . everyone is under training; then who will be head? If in old age you have to be trained up, then when they will be trained up? So what is the . . . to sit down silently? That's all?

Haṁsadūta: But where is this place?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' We'll send the parties out . . .

Mahāṁśa: Kathinagar. It's in Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam near Waisac.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Make. Make immediately program, where to go.  

Haṁsadūta: You have to make a program that on the way... Not that we drive one thousand miles to go to one program. That's not practical. Every fifty miles or so there should be some program.

Mahāṁśa: That's what I mean. That whole course is... Andhra course is the richest area in Andhra Pradesh.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So why you are not making?

Haṁsadūta: Yes, like that.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Now? Here?

Mahāṁśa: They give very nicely. We have had programs there, Prabhupāda, since three years. We've collected lakhs of rupees from there and thousands of books have been distributed there.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Yes, make program immediately. Write what to do.

Prabhupāda: This I have heard even.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' I was thinking one bus should go immediately to Kakinagar, because that's where they want to have program there, and they are ready to arrange it, and we can collect some money immediately for the expenses which are going on now.

Mahāṁśa: You have heard, yeah.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So go. Go.

Prabhupāda: So go there. What is the...? Make this.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' So if you want, we could get one bus and few devotees can go on that.

Mahāṁśa: They can start today? The boys are ready. They want to move but it's just the leaders which have not decided on getting it done.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' But where is this place?

Prabhupāda: So decide now. What is difficulty?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Kakinagar. It's in Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam near Vizag.

Mahāṁśa: If you can give one bus they can go immediately. And another party can go to Nagpur and start arranging for the program there on the 25th. They can do nagara-kīrtanas, book distribution, and arrange for the program on the 25th and one bus can go to Kakinagar. So all the boys will be out and be engaged. And the boys from Hyderabad should go back to Hyderabad and get into the program there. There's so much work to be done in Hyderabad. They're suffering a lot.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' You have to make a program that on the way . . . not that we drive one thousand miles to go to one program. That's not practical. Every fifty miles or so there should be some program.

Jagadīśa: What about the program here?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' That's what I mean. That whole course is . . . Andhra course is the richest area in Andhra Pradesh.

Mahāṁśa: The program here doesn't need too many people. Only five, six people is enough.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Yes, like that.

Haṁsadūta: (aside:) Close the door.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' They give very nicely. We have had programs there, Prabhupāda, since three years. We've collected ''lakhs'' of rupees from there, and thousands of books have been distributed there.

Mahāṁśa: Because the program here is just needing supervision.
'''Prabhupāda:''' This I have heard even.

Jagadīśa: No, but I mean kīrtana, constant kīrtana, and prasādam.  
'''Mahāṁśa:''' You have heard, yeah.

Mahāṁśa: Well, if you want constant kīrtana, then we have to have more devotees here.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So go there. What is the . . .? Make this.

Prabhupāda: Constant kīrtana? Who says constant?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' They can start today? The boys are ready. They want to move, but it's just the leaders which have not decided on getting it done.

Jagadīśa: Well, we have to engage the villagers.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So decide now. What is difficulty?

Prabhupāda: Yes. So they'll come in the evening. We cannot be always...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' If you can give one bus they can go immediately. And another party can go to Nagpur and start arranging for the program there on the 25th. They can do ''nagara-kīrtanas'', book distribution, and arrange for the program on the 25th, and one bus can go to Kakinagar. So all the boys will be out and be engaged. And the boys from Hyderabad should go back to Hyderabad and get into the program there. There's so much work to be done in Hyderabad. They're suffering a lot.

Haṁsadūta: Why not?
'''Jagadīśa:''' What about the program here?

German Devotee: Śrīla Prabhupāda, we want to go nagara-saṅkīrtana to the villages and announce the program.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' The program here doesn't need too many people. Only five, six people is enough.

Prabhupāda: Go. Well, go.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' (aside) Close the door.

German Devotee: But we cannot go because Candrodaya, he doesn't want to go.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Because the program here is just needing supervision.

Mahāṁśa: Take Rāma-kṣetra. He knows.
'''Jagadīśa:''' No, but I mean ''kīrtana'', constant ''kīrtana'', and ''prasādam''.

German Devotee: Take as much as possible devotees?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Well, if you want constant ''kīrtana'', then we have to have more devotees here.

Haṁsadūta: Yes.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Constant ''kīrtana''? Who says constant?

German Devotee: OK.
'''Jagadīśa:''' Well, we have to engage the villagers.

Prabhupāda: So write what you are going to do immediately. Write. Write the names, who is going where.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Yes. So they'll come in the evening. We cannot be always . . .

Mahāṁśa: (indistinct) ...they will leave?
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Why not?

Haṁsadūta: I just wrote down all the leaders. Ātmavidyā, Puṇyaśloka, Rājasāra. Otherwise I can go anywhere without fixing a program. I can go to any city. If no one is going to fix the program, I can go anywhere. That I was doing already. I came here because you promised me that in every city you know people, you can fix program. So fix them and then we'll go there. Otherwise there is no need to send anyone. We'll just go there and stay in a dharmaśālā.  
German '''Devotee:''' Śrīla Prabhupāda, we want to go ''nagara-saṅkīrtana'' to the villages and announce the program.

Prabhupāda: So why not go, one or two men, to fix up program?
'''Prabhupāda:''' Go.

Haṁsadūta: In Nagpur, a city like Nagpur, you say you have members. Send some man who knows them from your temple. He makes some arrangement. We go there, make a nice program.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Well, go.

Mahāṁśa: Okay.
'''German devotee:''' But we cannot go because Candrodaya, he doesn't want to go.

Prabhupāda: So who is going Nagpur? Write that.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Take Rāma-kṣetra. Rāma-kṣetra knows everything. He knows.

Mahāṁśa: Vāsughoṣa and who from yours?
'''German devotee:''' Take as much as possible devotees?

Haṁsadūta: I'll see later who goes. Anyone can go with him if he knows what to do.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Yes.

Mahāṁśa: Someone who can speak Hindi.
'''German devotee:''' Okay.

Prabhupāda: You cannot expect from his party anyone speaking Hindi.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So write what you are going to do immediately. Write. Write the names, who is going where.

Mahāṁśa: He has many... He has a good Rajasthani boy who is very good with Vāsughoṣa. He's in Hyderabad now.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' (indistinct) . . . they will leave?

Haṁsadūta: Who is that?
'''Haṁsadūta:''' I just wrote down all the leaders. Ātmavidyā, Puṇyaśloka . . . (indistinct) . . . Rājasāra. Otherwise I can go anywhere without fixing a program. I can go to any city. If no one is going to fix the program, I can go anywhere. That I was doing already. I came here because you promised me that in every city you know people, you can fix program. So fix them and then we'll go there. Otherwise there is no need to send anyone. We'll just go there and stay in a dharmaśālā.

Mahāṁśa: Vāsanta Kṛṣṇa, or somebody. They can take a van?
'''Prabhupāda:''' So why not go, one or two men, to fix up program?

Haṁsadūta: No need of van.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' In Nagpur, a city like Nagpur, you say you have members. Send some man who knows them from your temple. He makes an arrangement, we go there, make a nice program.

Mahāṁśa: Well, if they're going to have to arrange a program in eight days, they have to run around to see so many people, get leaflets printed, get banners painted, see municipal people, see police people.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Okay.

Prabhupāda: For that reason van is required?
'''Prabhupāda:''' So who is going to Nagpur? Write that.

Haṁsadūta: No, he can do everything by...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Vāsughoṣa and who from yours?

Mahāṁśa: They have extra vans here.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' I'll see later who goes. Anyone can go with him if he knows what to do.

Haṁsadūta: It's not practical. I tell you, these vans... It's not practical to take these vans and drive them around the cities. It's very dangerous. It's not practical. It's easier to go by rickshaw.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Someone who can speak Hindi.

Mahāṁśa: What about a small one?
'''Prabhupāda:''' You cannot expect from his party anyone speaking Hindi.

Haṁsadūta: Yes, the small ones. I mean, it's easier to go by rickshaw. It's a fact, you know. We had this experience...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' He has many . . . he has a good Rajasthani boy who is very good with Vāsughoṣa. He's in Hyderabad now.

Prabhupāda: No, there is local bus. For one, two men van running is not good.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Who is that?

Mahāṁśa: So one bus party goes immediately to Kakinagar with maybe Ātmavidyā or whoever...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Vāsanta-kṛṣṇa, or somebody. They can take the van?

Haṁsadūta: Ātmavidyā.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' No need of van, is there? What're you going to do with van?

Mahāṁśa: Ātmavidyā can lead that party. And one party goes to Nagpur as soon as that is fixed. And to fix that program, Vāsughoṣa and Vāsanta Kṛṣṇa can go there.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Well, if they're going to have to arrange a program in eight days, they have to run around to see so many people, get leaflets printed, get banners painted, see Municipal people, see the police people.

Prabhupāda: Yes.
'''Prabhupāda:''' For that reason van is required?

Mahāṁśa: Then Hyderabad temple, devotees should return to their services in Hyderabad, and Godruma should return to Deity worship. A crew of eight devotees will stay here to do the program over here.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' No, he can do everything by . . .

Prabhupāda: Hm. And Haṁsadūta will stay here.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' They have extra vans here.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' It's not practical. I tell you, these vans . . . it's not practical to take these vans and drive them around the cities. It's very dangerous. It's not practical. It's easier to go by rickshaw.

Prabhupāda: That's all. And you begin your digging.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' What about a small one?

Tejas: Mahārāja, you should tell the other persons who I'll have to work with that whatever I suggest, that they should do like that.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Yes, the small ones. I mean, it's easier to go by rickshaw. It's a fact, you know. We had this experience . . .

Prabhupāda: But you take our ordinary laborer.
'''Prabhupāda:''' No, there is local bus. For one, two men van running is not good.

Tejas: But they should know. Otherwise if I come they may object, "Mahāṁśa Swami has to tell me." Just like I told this Yuthāgraja something. He said, "I have to ask Mahāṁśa Swami." I told Mūrti something. He said, "Only if Mahāṁśa Swami says, then I can do."
'''Mahāṁśa:''' So one bus party goes immediately to Kakinagar, with maybe Ātmavidyā or whoever . . .

Mahāṁśa: No, no.
'''Haṁsadūta:''' Ātmavidyā.

Tejas: No, but you should make it clear when we have a meeting.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Ātmavidyā can lead that party. And one party goes to Nagpur as soon as that is fixed. And to fix that program, Vāsughoṣa and Vāsanta-kṛṣṇa can go there.

Mahāṁśa: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. We'll have a meeting with all the people on the farm.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Yes.

Tejas: You don't have to... Then I'll see that you have vegetables.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Then Hyderabad temple, devotees should return to their services in Hyderabad, and Godruma should return to Deity worship. A crew of eight devotees will stay over here to do the program over here.

Prabhupāda: And these village men or any laborer, as you proposed, if they want, they can stay. We shall give him food, shelter, as well as some remuneration.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Hmm. And Haṁsadūta will stay here.

Mahāṁśa: Yes. Like that many people...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes.

Tejas: We bring a few. I can talk to them Telegu, and I explain and see who likes. We can give them some...
'''Prabhupāda:''' That's all. And you begin your digging.

Prabhupāda: There is a... He will be in charge of growing this, and this way do everything. And you go to Bhogilal or call. Bring him here and I'll transfer there. I have no objection. Immediately. There is no need of painting.
'''Tejiyas:''' Mahārāja, you should tell the other persons who I'll have to work with that whatever I suggest, that they should do like that.

Mahāṁśa: No need of painting.
'''Prabhupāda:''' But you take our ordinary laborer.

Prabhupāda: No. Why there is use? We can manage there. Bhogilal may come, and he may be given here or wherever possible.
'''Tejiyas:''' But they should know. Otherwise if I come, they may object, "Mahāṁśa Swami has to tell me." Just like I told this Yuthāgraja something. He said, "I have to ask Mahāṁśa Swami." I told Mūrti something. He said, "Only if Mahāṁśa Swami says, then I can do."

Mahāṁśa: I'll ask the carpenter to try and fix those doors by this evening in Bhogilal Patel's room. The inside doors are already finished. Only those curved doors take time. So I'll...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No, no.

Prabhupāda: So you have made, cut fashion?
'''Tejiyas:''' No, but you should make it clear when we have a meeting.

Mahāṁśa: Pardon?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Oh, yes. Oh, yes. We'll have a meeting with all the people on the farm.

Prabhupāda: Fashionable?
'''Tejiyas:''' You don't have to . . . then I'll see that you have vegetables.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, it looks a little nice.
'''Prabhupāda:''' And these village men or any laborer, as you proposed, if they want, they can stay. We shall give him food, shelter, as well as some remuneration.

Prabhupāda: All right. So that room, if it is done, it is all right. If not, this room and that room. That's all. Better bring him. He'll be very useful.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes. Like that, many people . . .

Mahāṁśa: Yes.
'''Tejiyas:''' We bring a few. I can talk to them Telugu, and I explain and see who likes. We can give them some . . .

Prabhupāda: That's all right. Purchase one canopy instead of renting. We shall have to continue this program.
'''Prabhupāda:''' There is a . . . he will be in charge of growing this, and this way do everything. And you go to Bhogilal or phone. Bring him here and I'll transfer there. I have no objection. Immediately. There is no need of painting.

Mahāṁśa: Right now it will be difficult to purchase because we don't have enough money.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No need of painting.

Prabhupāda: What is the money? How much?
'''Prabhupāda:''' No. Why there is use? We can manage there. Bhogilal may come, and he may be given here or wherever possible.

Mahāṁśa: We don't have enough money. It will cost at least a thousand rupees or more, the whole thing, at least a thousand, maybe more. We don't have so much money right now.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' I'll ask the carpenter to try and fix those doors by this evening in Bhogilal Patel's room. The inside doors are already finished. Only those curved doors take time. So I'll . . .

Prabhupāda: So I'll pay you thousand. But... You pay me the rent, I'll pay you thousand. Yes. What is the rent per day?
'''Prabhupāda:''' So you have made . . . cut fashion?

Mahāṁśa: I'll get it free, without rent.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Pardon?

Prabhupāda: Then don't purchase.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Fashionable?

Mahāṁśa: That member, he has a store. He gives...
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes, it looks a little nice.

Prabhupāda: So then what is the use of purchase? If you get free, no need of purchasing. So make this arrangement immediately. Then go and we shall go out. Is it clear? No. Not?
'''Prabhupāda:''' All right. So that room, if it is done, it is all right. If not, this room and that room. That's all. Better bring him. He'll be very useful.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, it's light.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes.

Prabhupāda: I shall wash my teeth and go.
'''Prabhupāda:''' That's all right. Purchase one canopy instead of renting. We shall have to continue this program.

Tejas: Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda. (end)
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Right now it will be difficult to purchase, because we don't have enough money.

'''Prabhupāda:''' What is the money? How much?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' We don't have enough money. It will cost at least a thousand rupees or more, the whole thing, at least a thousand, maybe more. We don't have so much money right now.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So I'll pay you thousand. But . . .
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Okay.
'''Prabhupāda:''' You pay me the rent, I'll pay you thousand. Yes. What is the rent per day?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' I'll get it free, without rent.
'''Prabhupāda:''' Then don't purchase.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' That member, he has a store. He gives . . .
'''Prabhupāda:''' So then what is the use of purchase? If you get free, no need of purchasing.
'''Mahāṁśa:''' No purchase.
'''Prabhupāda:''' So make this arrangement immediately. Then go, and we shall go out. Is it clear? No. Not?
'''Mahāṁśa:''' Yes, it's light.
'''Prabhupāda:''' I shall wash my teeth and go.
'''Tejiyas:''' Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda. (end)

Latest revision as of 02:14, 17 November 2023

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

761207R1-HYDERABAD - December 07, 1976 - 29.05 Minutes

Prabhupāda: There is no arrangement for producing vegetable?

Mahāṁśa: We just finished one harvest, Prabhupāda, and now the second harvest is already in the ground.

Prabhupāda: So what kind of harvest? You finish and then you have to wait for six months for the second one.

Mahāṁśa: Now we are designing one plot for continuous . . .

Prabhupāda: Hmm, so this . . . where is Tejiyas Mahārāja? So you immediately arrange for producing vegetables.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: No, I'm asking Tejiyas.

Haṁsadūta: Here is Tejiyas, here.

Prabhupāda: Oh, here he is. So, why don't you do that?

Tejiyas: Yes. I'll make up the scheme today. It should be that you have continuous crop. You plant seeds one week . . . but again they have made the same mistake with these cauliflower and cabbage.

Prabhupāda: Well, they mistake . . . you say, "They mistake." Who are "they"? You say you do mistake. Don't say "they." This is bureaucracy, "they." You are all "they." Anyway, whatever is done, immediately make arrangement. And this is one thing. And the other thing: I came here that there will be festival and prasādam distribution. Why this is not begun?

Mahāṁśa: Till yesterday there was being marriages in the city. Now, from today, the paṇḍāls are free.

Prabhupāda: Because there are marriages our program will be cancelled?

Mahāṁśa: No, but the person who gives us the paṇḍāl . . . it's supposed to start today, Prabhupāda, their program. They have been advertising in the villages about the prasādam distribution this evening, so the stage and the śāmiyānā will be coming today and the pots are coming today. So we have all the grains and everything. We can start the prasādam distribution this evening.

Prabhupāda: So you'll keep . . . come in charge. So do this also immediately. And the next is that Bhogilal wants to come here. So bring him immediately. What is the difficulty of that house?

Mahāṁśa: All the plastering inside is finished now.

Prabhupāda: Everything, whatever is finished . . .

Mahāṁśa: Painting has to be done.

Prabhupāda: Eh?

Mahāṁśa: The toilets are working, all the connections are finished, and only thing is the painting has to be done today.

Prabhupāda: So painting also can be . . . without painting, we can go there. What is the wrong problem?

Mahāṁśa: It looks a little shabby. If we wait for one more day it will look much better.

Prabhupāda: So one more day we shall wait, but tomorrow we must go there.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, tomorrow we can go there.

Prabhupāda: So arrange for bringing Bhogilal tomorrow.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, tomorrow afternoon or evening we can arrange.

Prabhupāda: No. Yes, so immediately arrange for that. He is very important man. If he comes, you can all mature consultation about this . . . (indistinct) . . . about managing. He is practically doing. He has one thousand acres of land.

Mahāṁśa: Oh, yes, it's not a joke.

Prabhupāda: And he is practical businessman. So immediately . . . and besides that, he is already sympathetic. He is becoming interested more. So he can do so many things for us. He is a very nice man. So he volunteered to come here. So bring him immediately. So arrange. From tomorrow we go there. If it is not finished, then he may be given that place. I am at here. I shall stay. Or he can be given this room, I can go there. In this way . . . because the doors are not yet fitted.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, that's the main problem.

Prabhupāda: But there are so many main problems. So at least in my side the doors are fitted. So I can go there, and he can stay here. Anyway, either there or here, arrange to bring him immediately. He will go away by the twelfth. So he may stay here at least for one week.

Mahāṁśa: One week.

Prabhupāda: Tell him like that.

Mahāṁśa: Yes. And the cooking will be done by his men.

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Mahāṁśa: Because if he comes, his cook will also come.

Prabhupāda: Oh, yes. His cook and servant, yes. So make this arrangement so that everything should be inaugurated tomorrow, not more than that. So you have to purchase vegetable and then make it big, big scheme. (chuckles) Bambharambhe laghu-kriyā. Ārambha, very big, and action, very little. And ask some of our devotees to collect all the gobars and bring here. I want gobar. There is so much gobars scattered here and there. Take one basket and two men may go and collect all of them, put it in the sunshine. So nowadays sunshine is so bright. You can have so many things exposed to sunshine. All vitamins. So you immediately make program for vegetable, fruits, flower, surrounding this, immediately. So how Bhogilal will be brought here?

Mahāṁśa: In his car.

Prabhupāda: In his car. So make arrangement. Either we both of us, we may stay there, or one here, one there.

Mahāṁśa: And the secretaries can stay here.

Prabhupāda: Secretaries, as they are staying. I think one can manage that. There is no difficulty. (break) So all the devotees here, they are all required there?

Mahāṁśa: No.

Prabhupāda: Then why . . . so the temple work is not suffering?

Mahāṁśa: It is.

Prabhupāda: Then why you are keeping so many devotees here?

Mahāṁśa: The main problem now is that there were three pūjārīs, and one of them is here, and he doesn't want to go back to pūjārī work, so we have to find . . .

Prabhupāda: Eh?

Mahāṁśa: He doesn't want to go back to do pūjārī work, so there's only two pūjārīs, and they were just complaining yesterday that it's very difficult to do so much Deity worship.

Prabhupāda: So why? Why he does not want to go?

Mahāṁśa: He wants to go traveling for a while.

Prabhupāda: So that cannot be. So traveling means you have asked him to . . .?

Haṁsadūta: No, I haven't asked him any . . . it's the same problem. Whenever I go somewhere there are always certain men, they want to go.

Prabhupāda: No. Nobody can go without sanction. This is sense gratification, "I want to." This is not good.

Jagadīśa: Actually, the temple right now is in lack of a full time manager. Mahāṁśa Mahārāja spends most of his time here, and I can see that the temple management is not going right.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Not very nice. So do you require . . .? But you also do not remain here.

Mahāṁśa: No.

Prabhupāda: Then you are not there; you are not here. Then where you are?

Mahāṁśa: No, all these last, last two weeks I've been working on this house, and if I'm not here then . . . like yesterday I was not here, and the workers didn't work properly. Then I made them work in the night. When I came back, I saw that they have not . . .

Prabhupāda: So that means everywhere, if you are not there, then everything is gone to hell. Then what is this management? You cannot be everywhere. That is not . . . you are not Kṛṣṇa. Īśvaraḥ sarva-bhūtānām (BG 18.61).

Mahāṁśa: I mean, the problem that came up in the temple, it was going on okay before, but then there was suddenly so many more devotees that came. Half of them were here, half of them were there, and they were moving around every day. So the temple managers were confused. They didn't know how much . . . how many devotees . . .

Prabhupāda: No, temple . . . who is temple manager?

Mahāṁśa: Ānandamaya is managing now. He's very good. He can do it nicely, but he was confused because there were devotees . . .

Prabhupāda: Now there is no confusion. Immediately they can go, all the devotees. They are not required. What is the use?

Jagadīśa: That temple is a big, big project. Ānandamaya is not competent to handle the whole thing. He doesn't have the respect of the other members, enough. And plus I don't see him taking charge anymore. If you ask him to get something done he says, "Well . . ." He always makes some excuse. This was my experience while we were there.

Prabhupāda: Who is that man?

Mahāṁśa: Ānandamaya. He has been here since four years, and he knows practically everybody in Hyderabad. He was working with me all the time.

Prabhupāda: So then why does he not go there? Why he's here?

Mahāṁśa: He's not here; he's there.

Prabhupāda: Oh. So the devotees may go there. They have no business here to stay, so many. Why? They can return back.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Immediately.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.

Jagadīśa: They need a head, Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Prabhupāda: Hmm?

Jagadīśa: They need a head.

Prabhupāda: A head means you have to train head. If you cut head, then how there will be head? Neither tail, neither head. Head means you have to train them, head. There is no need of so many men here. Why?

Jagadīśa: Many of the men who are here are on Haṁsadūta's party.

Prabhupāda: So, do they require here?

Haṁsadūta: I sent all the men here because Mahāṁśa promised that there would be a program lined up, but there is no program. That's why they're just . . . now they all want to go, and if they can go I can send them. They are ready to go. They don't want to stay.

Prabhupāda: So?

Mahāṁśa: The problem is that the programs I didn't arrange, because the devotees were not regular in coming. I didn't know when they were all coming. So if I arrange a program, that means my men . . .

Prabhupāda: But therefore the meeting is here. Do here now.

Mahāṁśa: Yes, now it can be done. But I couldn't do . . .

Prabhupāda: So it can be done. Why can you . . .? What? When it will be done, do that.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: Don't make future promise. You do it immediately. Make program. But settle up when it will begin, when it is right. Here work is going on. That Mṛtyu, he cannot . . . no?

Mahāṁśa: Mūrti dāsa.

Prabhupāda: Mūrti. So he cannot manage without him?

Mahāṁśa: He can. He has to be a little more acquainted with the people. He has to . . .

Prabhupāda: He is here from the last June. He is not acquainted?

Mahāṁśa: He's only here since about ten days. He's not here for a long time, and he's not very forceful in making them do the work.

Prabhupāda: So who will be forceful?

Mahāṁśa: He can be trained. I'm training him.

Prabhupāda: So that training . . . everyone is under training; then who will be head? If in old age you have to be trained up, then when they will be trained up? So what is the . . . to sit down silently? That's all?

Mahāṁśa: We'll send the parties out . . .

Prabhupāda: Make. Make immediately program, where to go.


Prabhupāda: So why you are not making?

Mahāṁśa: Now? Here?

Prabhupāda: Yes, make program immediately. Write what to do.

Mahāṁśa: I was thinking one bus should go immediately to Kakinagar, because that's where they want to have program there, and they are ready to arrange it, and we can collect some money immediately for the expenses which are going on now.

Prabhupāda: So go. Go.

Mahāṁśa: So if you want, we could get one bus and few devotees can go on that.

Haṁsadūta: But where is this place?

Mahāṁśa: Kakinagar. It's in Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam near Vizag.

Haṁsadūta: You have to make a program that on the way . . . not that we drive one thousand miles to go to one program. That's not practical. Every fifty miles or so there should be some program.

Mahāṁśa: That's what I mean. That whole course is . . . Andhra course is the richest area in Andhra Pradesh.

Haṁsadūta: Yes, like that.

Mahāṁśa: They give very nicely. We have had programs there, Prabhupāda, since three years. We've collected lakhs of rupees from there, and thousands of books have been distributed there.

Prabhupāda: This I have heard even.

Mahāṁśa: You have heard, yeah.

Prabhupāda: So go there. What is the . . .? Make this.

Mahāṁśa: They can start today? The boys are ready. They want to move, but it's just the leaders which have not decided on getting it done.

Prabhupāda: So decide now. What is difficulty?

Mahāṁśa: If you can give one bus they can go immediately. And another party can go to Nagpur and start arranging for the program there on the 25th. They can do nagara-kīrtanas, book distribution, and arrange for the program on the 25th, and one bus can go to Kakinagar. So all the boys will be out and be engaged. And the boys from Hyderabad should go back to Hyderabad and get into the program there. There's so much work to be done in Hyderabad. They're suffering a lot.

Jagadīśa: What about the program here?

Mahāṁśa: The program here doesn't need too many people. Only five, six people is enough.

Haṁsadūta: (aside) Close the door.

Mahāṁśa: Because the program here is just needing supervision.

Jagadīśa: No, but I mean kīrtana, constant kīrtana, and prasādam.

Mahāṁśa: Well, if you want constant kīrtana, then we have to have more devotees here.

Prabhupāda: Constant kīrtana? Who says constant?

Jagadīśa: Well, we have to engage the villagers.

Prabhupāda: Yes. So they'll come in the evening. We cannot be always . . .

Haṁsadūta: Why not?

German Devotee: Śrīla Prabhupāda, we want to go nagara-saṅkīrtana to the villages and announce the program.

Prabhupāda: Go.

Haṁsadūta: Well, go.

German devotee: But we cannot go because Candrodaya, he doesn't want to go.

Mahāṁśa: Take Rāma-kṣetra. Rāma-kṣetra knows everything. He knows.

German devotee: Take as much as possible devotees?

Haṁsadūta: Yes.

German devotee: Okay.

Prabhupāda: So write what you are going to do immediately. Write. Write the names, who is going where.

Mahāṁśa: (indistinct) . . . they will leave?

Haṁsadūta: I just wrote down all the leaders. Ātmavidyā, Puṇyaśloka . . . (indistinct) . . . Rājasāra. Otherwise I can go anywhere without fixing a program. I can go to any city. If no one is going to fix the program, I can go anywhere. That I was doing already. I came here because you promised me that in every city you know people, you can fix program. So fix them and then we'll go there. Otherwise there is no need to send anyone. We'll just go there and stay in a dharmaśālā.

Prabhupāda: So why not go, one or two men, to fix up program?

Haṁsadūta: In Nagpur, a city like Nagpur, you say you have members. Send some man who knows them from your temple. He makes an arrangement, we go there, make a nice program.

Mahāṁśa: Okay.

Prabhupāda: So who is going to Nagpur? Write that.

Mahāṁśa: Vāsughoṣa and who from yours?

Haṁsadūta: I'll see later who goes. Anyone can go with him if he knows what to do.

Mahāṁśa: Someone who can speak Hindi.

Prabhupāda: You cannot expect from his party anyone speaking Hindi.

Mahāṁśa: He has many . . . he has a good Rajasthani boy who is very good with Vāsughoṣa. He's in Hyderabad now.

Haṁsadūta: Who is that?

Mahāṁśa: Vāsanta-kṛṣṇa, or somebody. They can take the van?

Haṁsadūta: No need of van, is there? What're you going to do with van?

Mahāṁśa: Well, if they're going to have to arrange a program in eight days, they have to run around to see so many people, get leaflets printed, get banners painted, see Municipal people, see the police people.

Prabhupāda: For that reason van is required?

Haṁsadūta: No, he can do everything by . . .

Mahāṁśa: They have extra vans here.

Haṁsadūta: It's not practical. I tell you, these vans . . . it's not practical to take these vans and drive them around the cities. It's very dangerous. It's not practical. It's easier to go by rickshaw.

Mahāṁśa: What about a small one?

Haṁsadūta: Yes, the small ones. I mean, it's easier to go by rickshaw. It's a fact, you know. We had this experience . . .

Prabhupāda: No, there is local bus. For one, two men van running is not good.

Mahāṁśa: So one bus party goes immediately to Kakinagar, with maybe Ātmavidyā or whoever . . .

Haṁsadūta: Ātmavidyā.

Mahāṁśa: Ātmavidyā can lead that party. And one party goes to Nagpur as soon as that is fixed. And to fix that program, Vāsughoṣa and Vāsanta-kṛṣṇa can go there.

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Mahāṁśa: Then Hyderabad temple, devotees should return to their services in Hyderabad, and Godruma should return to Deity worship. A crew of eight devotees will stay over here to do the program over here.

Prabhupāda: Hmm. And Haṁsadūta will stay here.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: That's all. And you begin your digging.

Tejiyas: Mahārāja, you should tell the other persons who I'll have to work with that whatever I suggest, that they should do like that.

Prabhupāda: But you take our ordinary laborer.

Tejiyas: But they should know. Otherwise if I come, they may object, "Mahāṁśa Swami has to tell me." Just like I told this Yuthāgraja something. He said, "I have to ask Mahāṁśa Swami." I told Mūrti something. He said, "Only if Mahāṁśa Swami says, then I can do."

Mahāṁśa: No, no.

Tejiyas: No, but you should make it clear when we have a meeting.

Mahāṁśa: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. We'll have a meeting with all the people on the farm.

Tejiyas: You don't have to . . . then I'll see that you have vegetables.

Prabhupāda: And these village men or any laborer, as you proposed, if they want, they can stay. We shall give him food, shelter, as well as some remuneration.

Mahāṁśa: Yes. Like that, many people . . .

Tejiyas: We bring a few. I can talk to them Telugu, and I explain and see who likes. We can give them some . . .

Prabhupāda: There is a . . . he will be in charge of growing this, and this way do everything. And you go to Bhogilal or phone. Bring him here and I'll transfer there. I have no objection. Immediately. There is no need of painting.

Mahāṁśa: No need of painting.

Prabhupāda: No. Why there is use? We can manage there. Bhogilal may come, and he may be given here or wherever possible.

Mahāṁśa: I'll ask the carpenter to try and fix those doors by this evening in Bhogilal Patel's room. The inside doors are already finished. Only those curved doors take time. So I'll . . .

Prabhupāda: So you have made . . . cut fashion?

Mahāṁśa: Pardon?

Prabhupāda: Fashionable?

Mahāṁśa: Yes, it looks a little nice.

Prabhupāda: All right. So that room, if it is done, it is all right. If not, this room and that room. That's all. Better bring him. He'll be very useful.

Mahāṁśa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: That's all right. Purchase one canopy instead of renting. We shall have to continue this program.

Mahāṁśa: Right now it will be difficult to purchase, because we don't have enough money.

Prabhupāda: What is the money? How much?

Mahāṁśa: We don't have enough money. It will cost at least a thousand rupees or more, the whole thing, at least a thousand, maybe more. We don't have so much money right now.

Prabhupāda: So I'll pay you thousand. But . . .

Mahāṁśa: Okay.

Prabhupāda: You pay me the rent, I'll pay you thousand. Yes. What is the rent per day?

Mahāṁśa: I'll get it free, without rent.

Prabhupāda: Then don't purchase.

Mahāṁśa: That member, he has a store. He gives . . .

Prabhupāda: So then what is the use of purchase? If you get free, no need of purchasing.

Mahāṁśa: No purchase.

Prabhupāda: So make this arrangement immediately. Then go, and we shall go out. Is it clear? No. Not?

Mahāṁśa: Yes, it's light.

Prabhupāda: I shall wash my teeth and go.

Tejiyas: Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda. (end)