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SB 11.26.13: Difference between revisions

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


svārthasyākovidaṁ dhiṅ māṁ
mūrkhaṁ paṇḍita-māninam
yo 'ham īśvaratāṁ prāpya
strībhir go-khara-vaj jitaḥ


sva-arthasya—his own best interest; akovidam—who does not know; dhik—to hell; mām—with me; mūrkham—a fool; paṇḍita-māninam—imagining himself to be a great scholar; yaḥ—who; aham—I; īśvaratām—the position of lordship; prāpya—achieving; strībhiḥ—by women; go-khara-vat—like a bullock or an ass; jitaḥ—conquered.


To hell with me! I am such a fool that I didn't even know what was good for me, although I arrogantly thought I was highly intelligent. Although I achieved the exalted position of a lord, I allowed myself to be conquered by women as if I were a bullock or a jackass.


All the fools of this world consider themselves very wise scholars even though, intoxicated by sense gratification and maddened by their lust for women's association, they become just like bullocks and jackasses. By the mercy of a saintly spiritual master, this lusty propensity can gradually be removed and one can understand the terrible, contemptible nature of material sense gratification. In this verse King Purūravā is coming to his senses in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

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