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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


vijitāśvaṁ dhūmrakeśaṁ
haryakṣaṁ draviṇaṁ vṛkam
sarveṣāṁ loka-pālānāṁ
dadhāraikaḥ pṛthur guṇān


vijitāśvam—of the name Vijitāśva; dhūmrakeśam—of the name Dhūmrakeśa; haryakṣam—of the name Haryakṣa; draviṇam—of the name Draviṇa; vṛkam—of the name Vṛka; sarveṣām—of all; loka-pālānām—the governing heads of all planets; dadhāra—accepted; ekaḥ—one; pṛthuḥ—Pṛthu Mahārāja; guṇān—all qualities.


After begetting five sons, named Vijitāśva, Dhūmrakeśa, Haryakṣa, Draviṇa and Vṛka, Pṛthu Mahārāja continued to rule the planet. He accepted all the qualities of the deities who governed all other planets.


In each and every planet there is a predominating deity. It is understood from Bhagavad-gītā that in the sun there is a predominating deity named Vivasvān. Similarly, there is a predominating deity of the moon and of the various planets. Actually the predominating deities in all the other planets are descendants from the predominating deities of the sun and moon. On this planet earth there are two kṣatriya dynasties, and one comes from the predominating deity of the sun and the other from the predominating deity of the moon. These dynasties are known as Sūrya-vaṁśa and Candra-vaṁśa respectively. When monarchy existed on this planet, the chief member was one of the members of the Sūrya dynasty, or Sūrya-vaṁśa, and the subordinate kings belonged to the Candra-vaṁśa. However, Mahārāja Pṛthu was so powerful that he could exhibit all the qualities of the predominating deities in other planets.

In the modern age, people from earth have tried to go to the moon, but they have not been able to find anyone there, what to speak of meeting the moon's predominating deity. The Vedic literature, however, repeatedly informs us that the moon is full of highly elevated inhabitants who are counted amongst the demigods. We are therefore always in doubt about what kind of moon adventure the modern scientists of this planet earth have undertaken.

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