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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT No. 8

Tatra upajagmu bhuvanam punana
Mahanubhava munayah sasisyah
Prayena teertha abhigama apadeshaih
Swayam hi teerthani punanti santah.


Tatra—there, Upajagmu—arrived, Bhuvanam—the universe, Punana—those who can sanctify, Mahanubhava—great minds, Munayah—thinkers, Sasisyah—along with their disciples, Prayena—almost, Teertha—pilgrimage, Abhigama journey, Apadeshaih—on the plea of, Swayam—personally, Hi—certainly, Teerthani—all the pilgrimages, Punati—sanctify, Santah—sages.


At that time all the great minded thinkers accompanied by their disciples and sages who could sanctify the pilgrimages even by their presence, arrived there on the plea of pilgrim's journey.


When Maharaj Parikshit fixed up himself on the bank of the Ganges the news spread all directions of the universe and the great minded sages, who could follow the importance of the occasion, all arrived there on the plea of pilgrimage. Actually they came to meet Maharaj Parikshit and not for taking bath in pilgrimage because all of them were competent enough to sanctify the pilgrimages even. Common men go to pilgrimages for getting themselves purified of all sins. Thus the place of pilgrimage becomes overburdened with the sins of others. But when such sages visit such overburdened pilgrimages, they sanctify the places by their presence. Therefore the sages who came to meet Maharaj Parikshit were not very much interested to get themselves purified like other common men but on the plea of taking bath in that place they came to meet Maharaj Parikshit because they could foresee that taking the advantage of Maharaj Parikshit's fasting for seven days, Sreemad Bhagwatam would be spoken by Sukdeva Goswami and all of them wanted to take advantage of the great occasion.