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750921 - Letter to Mahamsa written from Vrndavana: Difference between revisions

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My dear Mahamsa Swami,

Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for the affidavit which you have sent. It should be followed by all other centers. It is very good that people are already coming to see the temple. That means that there is great interest. Regarding the need for money there, if it is a case of emergency, then more money can be lent to you. You have already borrowed Rs. 60,000/-. If you want immediately money, then I am prepared to lend to you at 10% interest. So if there is emergency, you can send account number of your bank and we shall do the needful. I am starting for Delhi on September 23rd and on the following day, September 24th, will go to Ahmedabad for some programs. From Bombay I will start for Mauritius on September 30th.

You have invited me to come to Hyderabad and yes, I will certainly come. It is a very nice place there and I shall come either by the end of October or early November. Yes, if you like we can also go to Nellore. Your idea for the bullock cart sankirtana is very good. So now do it. And your program for distributing the literature, the charity and the prasadam, this is all very nice. And that you yourself will do it personally, that I thank you very much.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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