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710305 - Letter to Syamasundara written from Calcutta: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:27, 29 March 2008

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My Dear Syamasundara.,

Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated 2nd March, 1971. It is very encouraging. I've received one telegram from Hamsaduta. It is understood he has personally gone to Jaipur to take the Deities, and he will personally take them to Bombay, so there is no anxiety for the Deities. You can go on preparing the throne and dress very gorgeously. Regarding going to Madras, it may be postponed for the time being. We are thinking of going to Mayapur, then of course we shall follow your instruction. As scheduled, I shall reach Bombay by the 15th March and I shall let you know the exact time in due course. For the time being, all my mails may be sent (redirected) to this Calcutta address.

Hoping you are all well.

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. Why have you not sent the Articles of Association of the society? It is very urgent. Please send immediately. Also please send 25 copies of the membership information pamphlets. ACB Template:LE Footer