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SB 5.10.7: Difference between revisions

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


atha punaḥ sva-śibikāyāṁ viṣama-gatāyāṁ prakupita uvāca rahūgaṇaḥ kim idam are tvaṁ jīvan-mṛto māṁ kadarthī-kṛtya bhartṛ-śāsanam aticarasi pramattasya ca te karomi cikitsāṁ daṇḍa-pāṇir iva janatāyā yathā prakṛtiṁ svāṁ bhajiṣyasa iti.


atha—thereafter; punaḥ—again; sva-śibikāyām—in his own palanquin; viṣama-gatāyām—being unevenly carried because of Jaḍa Bharata's not walking properly; prakupitaḥ—becoming very angry; uvāca—said; rahūgaṇaḥ—King Rahūgaṇa; kim idam—what is this nonsense; are—O fool; tvam—you; jīvat—living; mṛtaḥ—dead; mām—me; kat-arthī-kṛtya—neglecting; bhartṛ-śāsanam—chastisement by the master; aticarasi—you are overstepping; pramattasya—who are almost crazy; ca—also; te—your; karomi—I shall do; cikitsām—proper treatment; daṇḍa-pāṇiḥ iva—like Yamarāja; janatāyāḥ—of the people in general; yathā—so that; prakṛtim—natural position; svām—your own; bhajiṣyase—you will take to; iti—thus.


Thereafter, when the King saw that his palanquin was still being shaken by the carriers, he became very angry and said: You rascal, what are you doing? Are you dead despite the life within your body? Do you not know that I am your master? You are disregarding me and are not carrying out my order. For this disobedience I shall now punish you just as Yamarāja, the superintendent of death, punishes sinful people. I shall give you proper treatment so that you will come to your senses and do the correct thing.

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