670130 - Letter to Rayarama written from San Francisco
(Redirected from Letter to Rayarama -- San Francisco 30 January, 1967)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
International Society For Krishna
Consciousness Inc.
518 Frederick Street, Sanfrancisco Ca.
January 30, 1967.
My dear Rayrama,
I am in due receipt of your letter of the 26th instant. The service proposal is very nice and I approve of your acceptance this job. Not only your income will be a great help to the society but also it will be a great opportunity for learning how to organise our magazine Back to Godhead. This Back to Godhead will always remain the backbone of the society because more the magazine is popular the more society becomes popular. So your ambition should always be how to improve the quality of the paper so that it may be read by all respectable persons. In future we may have one French edition of this paper. If our Back to Godhead goes on nicely then we can have our all [handwritten] publications without waiting for any other publishers.
Regarding Srimad Bhagavad-gita I am now arranging to get it published independently and to print it in India because it will be cheaper. What we will spend for 2000 copies here [handwritten] will be [handwritten] sufficient for printing 5000 copies in India. And the abridged edition may be printed here through some publisher. I have asked Howard to edit it immediately. I am so much pleased to learn that everything is going on well at N.Y. centre. So long our kirtan is alright there is no difficulty at all. Hope you are well along with your other Godbrothers and sisters.
Yours ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
- 1967 - Letters
- 1967 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1967-01 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - USA
- Letters Written from - USA, San Francisco
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA, San Francisco
- Rayarama - Letters
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1967