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SB 1.13.13 (1965)

SB 1.13.13 (1972-77)

please wait#div class="mw-parser-output"# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TEXT_No._13"#TEXT No. 13#/span##/h4# #div class="SB65verse"# Nanwapriyam durvisaham nrinam swayam upastitham Na avedayat sakaruno dukhitam drastum akshamah. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="ENGLISH_SYNONYMS"#ENGLISH SYNONYMS#/span##/h4# #div class="synonyms"# Nanu — as a matter of fact, Apriyam — unpalatable, Durvisaham — unbearable, Nrinam — of the human kind, Swayam — in its own way, Upasthitam — appearance, Na — did not, Avedayat — expressed, Sakaruno — compassionate, Duhkhitan — distressed, Akshamam — unable. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TRANSLATION"#TRANSLATION#/span##/h4# #div class="translation"# Compassionate Mahatma Vidura was unable to see the Pandavas distressed at any time. As such he did not disclose this unpalatable and unbearable incidence to the Pandavas because such calamities were to come in their own way. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="PURPORT"#PURPORT#/span##/h4# #div class="purport"# According to Nitisastra (civic laws) one may not speak unpallatable truth to cause distress for others. Distress come upon us in its own way by the laws of nature and one may not aggravate it by propaganda. For a compassionate soul like Yidura specially in his dealing with the beloved Pandavas it was almost impossible to disclose unpalatable piece of news like the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty. Therefore purposely he refrained from it. #/div# #/div# please wait#div class="mw-parser-output"##p class="mw-empty-elt"# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TEXT_13"#TEXT 13#/span##/h4# #div class="verse"# #dl##dd#nanv apriyaṁ durviṣahaṁ#/dd# #dd#nṛṇāṁ svayam upasthitam#/dd# #dd#nāvedayat sakaruṇo#/dd# #dd#duḥkhitān draṣṭum akṣamaḥ#/dd##/dl# #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="SYNONYMS"#SYNONYMS#/span##/h4# #div class="synonyms"# nanu — as a matter of fact; apriyam — unpalatable; durviṣaham — unbearable; nṛṇām — of humankind; svayam — in its own way; upasthitam — appearance; na — did not; āvedayat — expressed; sakaruṇaḥ — compassionate; duḥkhitān — distressed; draṣṭum — to see; akṣamaḥ — unable. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TRANSLATION"#TRANSLATION#/span##/h4# #div class="translation"# Compassionate Mahātmā Vidura could not stand to see the Pāṇḍavas distressed at any time. Therefore he did not disclose this unpalatable and unbearable incident because calamities come of their own accord. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="PURPORT"#PURPORT#/span##/h4# #div class="purport"# According to Nīti-śāstra (civic laws) one should not speak an unpalatable truth to cause distress to others. Distress comes upon us in its own way by the laws of nature, so one should not aggravate it by propaganda. For a compassionate soul like Vidura, especially in his dealings with the beloved Pāṇḍavas, it was almost impossible to disclose an unpalatable piece of news like the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty. Therefore he purposely refrained from it. #/div# #/div#
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