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CC Madhya 13.113 (1975)

CC Madhya 13.113 (1996)

please wait#div class="mw-parser-output"# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TEXT_113"#TEXT 113#/span##/h4# #div class="verse"# #dl##dd#"sei ta parāṇa-nātha pāinu#/dd# #dd#yāhā lāgi' madana-dahane jhuri' genu"#/dd##/dl# #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="SYNONYMS"#SYNONYMS#/span##/h4# #div class="synonyms"# sei ta — that indeed; parāṇa-nātha — the master of My life; pāinu — I have gotten; yāhā lāgi'-for whom; madana-dahane — being burned by Cupid; jhuri' genu — I became dried up. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TRANSLATION"#TRANSLATION#/span##/h4# #div class="translation"# "Now I have gained the Lord of My life, in the absence of whom I was being burned by Cupid and was withering away." #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="PURPORT"#PURPORT#/span##/h4# #div class="purport"# This song refers to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī's meeting with Kṛṣṇa at the holy place of Kurukṣetra, where Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and His brother and sister came to visit when there was a solar eclipse. It is a song of separation from Kṛṣṇa. When Rādhārāṇī met Kṛṣṇa at Kurukṣetra, She remembered His intimate association in Vṛndāvana, and She thought, "Now I have gained the Lord of my life. In His absence I was being burned by the arrow of Cupid, and thus I was withering away. Now I have My life again." #/div# #/div# please wait#div class="mw-parser-output"# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TEXT_113"#TEXT 113#/span##/h4# #div class="verse"# #dl##dd#“‘sei ta parāṇa-nātha pāinu#/dd# #dd#yāhā lāgi’ madana-dahane jhuri’ genu’”#/dd##/dl# #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="SYNONYMS"#SYNONYMS#/span##/h4# #div class="synonyms"# sei ta — that indeed; parāṇa-nātha — the master of My life; pāinu — I have gotten; yāhā lāgi’ — for whom; madana-dahane — being burned by Cupid; jhuri’ genu — I became dried up. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TRANSLATION"#TRANSLATION#/span##/h4# #div class="translation"# “‘Now I have gained the Lord of My life, in the absence of whom I was being burned by Cupid and was withering away.’” #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="PURPORT"#PURPORT#/span##/h4# #div class="purport"# This song refers to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī’s meeting with Kṛṣṇa at the holy place of Kurukṣetra, where Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and His brother and sister came to visit when there was a solar eclipse. It is a song of separation from Kṛṣṇa. When Rādhārāṇī met Kṛṣṇa at Kurukṣetra, She remembered His intimate association in Vṛndāvana, and She thought, “Now I have gained the Lord of My life. In His absence I was being burned by the arrow of Cupid, and thus I was withering away. Now I have My life again.” #/div# #/div#
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