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CC Adi 2.103 (1975)

CC Adi 2.103 (1996)

please wait#div class="mw-parser-output"# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TEXT_103"#TEXT 103#/span##/h4# #div class="verse"# #dl##dd#jīva-śakti taṭasthākhya, nāhi yāra anta#/dd# #dd#mukhya tina śakti, tāra vibheda ananta#/dd##/dl# #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="SYNONYMS"#SYNONYMS#/span##/h4# #div class="synonyms"# jīva-śakti — the energy of the living entity; taṭa-stha-ākhya — known as marginal; nāhi — there is not; yāra — of which; anta — end; mukhya — principal; tina — three; śakti — energies; tāra — of them; vibheda — varieties; ananta — unlimited. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TRANSLATION"#TRANSLATION#/span##/h4# #div class="translation"# "The marginal potency, which is between these two, consists of the numberless living beings. These are the three principal energies, which have unlimited categories and subdivisions. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="PURPORT"#PURPORT#/span##/h4# #div class="purport"# The internal potency of the Lord, which is called cit-śakti or antaraṅga-śakti, exhibits variegatedness in the transcendental Vaikuṇṭha cosmos. Besides ourselves, there are unlimited numbers of liberated living beings who associate with the Personality of Godhead in His innumerable features. The material cosmos displays the external energy, in which the conditioned living beings are provided all liberty to go back to the Personality of Godhead after leaving the material tabernacle. The Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad (6.8) informs us: #dl##dd#na tasya kāryaṁ karaṇaṁ ca vidyate#/dd# #dd#na tat-samaś cābhyadhikaś ca dṛśyate#/dd# #dd#parāsya śaktir vividhaiva śrūyate#/dd# #dd#svābhāvikī jñāna-bala-kriyā ca#/dd##/dl# "The Supreme Lord is one without a second. He has nothing to do personally, nor does He have material senses. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him. He has unlimited, variegated potencies of different names, which exist within Him as autonomous attributes and provide Him full knowledge, power and pastimes." #/div# #/div# please wait#div class="mw-parser-output"# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TEXT_103"#TEXT 103#/span##/h4# #div class="verse"# #dl##dd#jīva-śakti taṭasthākhya, nāhi yāra anta#/dd# #dd#mukhya tina śakti, tāra vibheda ananta#/dd##/dl# #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="SYNONYMS"#SYNONYMS#/span##/h4# #div class="synonyms"# jīva-śakti — the energy of the living entity; taṭa-stha-ākhya — known as marginal; nāhi — there is not; yāra — of which; anta — end; mukhya — principal; tina — three; śakti — energies; tāra — of them; vibheda — varieties; ananta — unlimited. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="TRANSLATION"#TRANSLATION#/span##/h4# #div class="translation"# “The marginal potency, which is between these two, consists of the numberless living beings. These are the three principal energies, which have unlimited categories and subdivisions. #/div# #h4##span class="mw-headline" id="PURPORT"#PURPORT#/span##/h4# #div class="purport"# The internal potency of the Lord, which is called cit-śakti or antaraṅga-śakti, exhibits variegatedness in the transcendental Vaikuṇṭha cosmos. Besides ourselves, there are unlimited numbers of liberated living beings who associate with the Personality of Godhead in His innumerable features. The material cosmos displays the external energy, in which the conditioned living beings are provided all liberty to go back to the Personality of Godhead after leaving the material tabernacle. The Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad (6.8) informs us: #dl##dd#na tasya kāryaṁ karaṇaṁ ca vidyate#/dd# #dd#na tat-samaś cābhyadhikaś ca dṛśyate#/dd# #dd#parāsya śaktir vividhaiva śrūyate#/dd# #dd#svābhāvikī jñāna-bala-kriyā ca#/dd# #dd#(CC Madhya 13.65, purport)#/dd##/dl# “The Supreme Lord is one without a second. He has nothing to do personally, nor does He have material senses. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him. He has unlimited, variegated potencies of different names, which exist within Him as autonomous attributes and provide Him full knowledge, power and pastimes.” #/div# #/div#
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